Up coming Events:

BMW Shorties: Judges' Clinic = 17th June, KPD Block E, lvl 4, KE-A1, 12:00nn- 2:00pm

Gadoh Screening = 12th June, Theatrette, HELP University College (Main Campus), 8:00pm - 9:10pm

Recent News

17 June 2009
BMW Shorties aim is to bring industry experts closer to young filmmakers and our club have been chosen to assist them
12 June 2009
Gadoh Screening Will be held at Theatrette, HELP University College (Main Campus), 8:00pm - 9:10pm http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=85934351750&ref=nf
5 June 2009
Our club have been asked by IPRMSA to assist them in the runway 101 event.
5 June 2009
Multimedia Society First Official General Meeting with new members held at KPD E LH 1.2
21 May 2009
Attended the ASEAN Korea Commemorative Summit & Malaysia Korea 50th Anniversary Celebration.

For other updates please check our facebook group.

Friday, May 29, 2009

Club and Society Day & ASEAN Korea Commemorative Summit

by Joanna James

First of all, we the committees would like to welcome all the new members of MMS. Just so you know, MMS is the short acronym for the Multimedia Society. Not to forget those who comes and checks out our new born blog. WELCOME!! :)

Next, here are the few things that we have done on the first week of our short semester:

First one which was on 20th may 2009, we had took part in our very first Club and Society day. Check out the pictures!!

Our booth...

Our creative officer (Sara, on the far right) explaining what our society is all about

Potential member inquiring about our society

Oh we even had a mobile booth...(far right on wards, William, Calvin, Rae)

The day's out come!

Second was the ASEAN Korea Commemorative Summit & Malaysia Korea 50th Anniversary Celebration, 21st May 2009. Pictures away!!

Arrival of guests

We went in. (from the left, Joanna, Aliyyah, and William)

Opening ceremony by the Korean Ambassador.

They had Korean traditional games exhibition and more.

They also had performance.
Posted By Joanna.J

For more Information Please Email us at : helpmultimediasociety@live.com

1 comment:

  1. Good job in the post JO! a nice start for the history making of MMS!
